"Build a business," they said. "It's easy!" they said. Yet here you are, a struggling, ready-to-pull-your-hair-out-over-the-next-WTF-moment type of solopreneur with more of an expensive hobby than an actual profitable biz you DESPERATELY want.

And trust me, I HEAR YOU, solopreneur 😉

If you haven't made your first $1,000 in your biz, keep reading, friend.

You have the idea, kinda-sorta the audience, dynamite passion, buuuuut no email list, no cash flow, no idea HOW.

Enter Level 1: Solopreneur

The BEST and worse feeling as a new woman in business. Your mind is swirling with ideas. You have a ton of notebooks filled with your biz plans, goals, and aspirations. You have a pile of laundry you want to forget about (points if it’s more than one pile of dirty laundry 🧺😉). You have up and down weeks trying to make it #strugglebus. And you’re sooooo ready to quit your 9-5 to do ya thang full time! If that’s you, go ahead and join. There’s nothing like this out there. Trust me. I’ve looked.

What you will accomplish after Solopreneur Success Mastermind

(2 things, SUPA quick. Solopreneur Success Mastermind = SSM. I use biz instead of business. Don't think much of it or these side convos, I still run my own profitable biz. 😍)


    That's my way of saying "having more than confidence in what you are doing. Having true belief." We've all seen or heard of that one solopreneur who gave up before even trying. If that's you, really take some time and think about WHY you want to grow your biz, and then come back. We take one thing we ARE confident in and spread that feeling to our biz to watch the magic unfold.

  • Engaged Community of YOUR People

    Having a community who WANTS your knowledge is key for a solopreneur. After all, we don't have time to waste on people who don't show us the time of day. Those AREN’T our people. We connect our networks, and in turn, expand our outreach. Our people/ideal client/avatar or whatever else you have heard, gravitates towards YOU. From your FB Group to email list, testimonials, raving fans, and those people who can't get enough of you and love your content....that's what we're building.


    Yup, I said MOOOOOLLLAAAAHHH! Actually monies in your pocket. With your engaged community we build together, you can share your offers right to the prepped & primed! I don't mean with webinars, a lengthy social media launch, the tech you don't understand, or the other crude you've heard. We're busy solopreneurs. We're doing this in a way you and your audience can understand without headaches and time wasted on your end. We want money in the pockets LAST MONTH!

  • Automated Solopreneur!

    If you think everything you have to do as a solopreneur has to be done in "real-time", I respectfully disagree. You do you, boo, but I like to have non-hectic days MOST of the time. Schedule content around your busy life, car lines, or the morning poop on the toilet. We don't judge. We pride ourselves as women AND solopreneurs to multitask, so let's do it and be unashamed with the little tasks. Automation for a solopreneur is BEST FRIEND level. Think of it as your personal virtual assistant doing the octopus arm dance and getting things DONE rather than waiting on you TO DO list.

  • Repurposeable Content!

    Who has time to constantly create content? We're solopreneurs with LIVES and places to be and kids to manage. Don't forget the weekend's laundry still hanging on the chair waiting to be folded, hung, or put away. Or to clean the living room, because...is that last night's snack wrapper under the coffee table? My point being, we have loads of other things to do beside create more tasks for ourselves. In SSM, we're ALLLLLLL about the repurposing! (That means reusing what we have already created! Don't reinvent the wheel, solopreneur.)

That's Why I created

Solopreneur Success Mastermind

the ONLY solopreneur mastermind built for solopreneurs. SSM is a 6-month coaching container for busy, women solopreneurs who want to actually SEE her goals put into action & create offers that work on her schedule. Recorded content that you need as a solopreneur, like email marketing, how to create offers, and even a freebie creation challenge! All paired with 1x1s throughout the month, your biz will thrive as you check your goals off your list.

Sound like you? "Yeah, I consider myself a solopreneur, but......

I haven't made ANY sales. I don't have an email list. Heck, I don't even have a FB Group or know HOW to find my audience. Why shouldn't I listen to the other top gurus in online business? What's the point of me even looking at this page?!"

  • First, let's take a breather, because all of that is covered in Solopreneur Success Mastermind. You just have to show up & put in the actions. Just think about how many other things you show up for. And I'm here to tell you already, all of our content will be available to review or download.

  • I AM a solopreneur, but don't take that lightly. That just means I know EXACTLY what you are going through, the thoughts you have, & how badly you want this to work so you can FINALLY see the light at the end of the tunnel to make your life better and quit that soul-sucking job. Was that right?

  • I'm not here to trick you, tell you to buy my shiny new thing, or the type to give you all recorded content and never show up live in our mastermind. Screw that. I'm here to get you results in setting up the foundation of your biz AND it be fun. I earned $3,000+ in sales in my first year of business. You be the judge, solopreneur.

  • I'm sharing it ALL! All of my templates, files, screens, tips, and hacks that came straight from my brain and made me money. Want to see examples? I got you. Want to see an in-depth tutorial on how to use a tool? Say no more. Solopreneur Success Mastermind is for YOU! Pick my brain in all the good ways. I love a good question.

  • 1x1 coaching throughout each month as you progress through the Mastermind. This is BY FAR one of the best benefits of SSM for my clients & myself. I get to know your biz, goals, and what YOU want to create. When was the last time you had a coach where you had custom tips for your biz, rather than being thrown into a massive group dying to be in the hot & receive help?

  • This is corny and super repetitive, but oooooohhhh so true.......JUST BELIEVE! (Even if it's smidges at a time.) If you don't believe in yourself, how do you expect others to believe in you? As always, Mindset is EVERYTHING.

Naked - by Cardi Fuqua

No meat. No dairy. Just love.

I had my first meeting 1:1 with Juakerra, and guys....yes!!!! I have gained so much clarity with the direction and goals for my business!

Ready for a CLEAR road map from Point A to Point B?

i.e. "no fans, no money, no systems" to "LIFE FOREVA CHANGED"

Hey there 👋🏽 I’m Your Solo-Biz Strategist & Podcast Coach

And yes, that's me strutting my stuff as my other half takes my picture (aka just asking him to take photos as I walk towards him....OWNED IT!)

CEO of CEOwn It

Juakerra Davis

2x Podcast Host. Solo-Biz Strategist & Podcast Coach. I help women solopreneurs to grow her biz through fun strategies that make money easily that fit YOU IG: @juakerradavis website: letstryadulting.com As always, Mindset is EVERYTHING!

As solopreneurs, we WANT these results...

  • Profitable advice

    We have all invested in that ebook we never touched, the course we never watched, and absorbed as much insight as possible by the gurus, top guns, and 6-7 figure business people. But what were your results after? Did you feel included and taken care of? Did you feel your mentor or coach knew your name, even gave you the time of day? We want amazing advice AND the profits that come with it. Inside SSM, we not only give advice, we walkthrough it together. As a solopreneur, you are often alone. With SSM, you never will be again.

  • Sleep

    LISTEN WHEN I SAY WE DON'T LOSE SLEEP OVER OUR BIZ! I looooove sleeping, and I'm sure you do too. That's why I DON'T encourage you inside SSM to sweat the small things, stay up to odd hours, or neglect your bajillion other daily tasks. As a solopreneur, you can focus on your biz with less than 5 hours a week, see growth, AND results. Sleep is important, so we don't take it lightly. Instead, we use the power of automation (something I teach you inside SSM) to GAIN back your sleep. What's the point of you having a biz & not enjoying it? That sounds like a day job to me.

  • Biz NOT a hobby

    What's the difference between a biz & a hobby? In one, you are making money....We are a biz! We make monies! We want that money to change our lives, children, future, buy that house we're eyeing, and take vacations more than just on our Paid Time Off. We want to afford the organic produce, the good good toilet paper, weekly Target runs, and the daily morning caffeine fix. We want to spend money WITHOUT double-checking our bank accounts. We validate our offers with money in our pockets aka SALES WITHOUT THE YUCKY, UNCOMFORTABLE PART.

Inside the SSM!

  • 1

    You're In!

    • Welcome to SSM! Start HERE!

    • Welcome Call & The Important Stuff

    • Introduction Video Example

  • 2

    Module 1: The Beginning

    • The Beginning

    • Bios & Biz Message

    • Solopreneur Checklist & Video

    • How to be a Lazy Solopreneur & Set Up Your Biz in 1 Day

  • 3

    Module 2: Freebies & Welcome Email

    • Freebies & Welcome Email

    • Welcome Email 1 Simple Outline Template

  • 4

    Freebie Creation Challenge

    • Day 1

    • Day 2

    • Day 3

    • Day 4

    • Day 5

    • Day 6

    • Day 7

    • Day 8

    • Day 9

    • Day 10

    • Day 11

    • Day 12

    • Day 13

    • Day 14

  • 5

    Module 3: Small Offer & Sales Page

    • What is a small offer [podcast episode]

    • What you need to make a small offer [podcast episode]

    • Sales Pages 101

  • 6

    Module 4: Email Marketing

    • Email Marketing Basics

  • 7

    Module 5: High Offer & Sales Page

    • What is a high ticket offer

    • Sales Pages 101

  • 8

    Module 6: Automation Roundup

    • Automation Roundup

    • [SSM] Tools for Biz & Podcast - Juakerra Davis

  • 9

    Additional Support Training

    • Never Worry about Consistency Again & Get Things DONE! Free Training

    • Never Worry about Consistency Again & Get Things DONE! On Demand Replay

    • How to Define Your Offer & Find Clients

    • [SSM] Affiliates & Your Biz


  • Private Mastermind FB Group

    Our focused container during SSM to share content, encouragement, support, connections, and venting (trust me, you'll need to vent too). Share your progress and get feedback. Show up to our coaching sessions, learn, implement, rewatch later, etc. It's allllll available inside our Solopreneur Success Mastermind FB Group.

  • Q&As & Office Hours

    We love Q&As, but sometimes we need more than just a question answered. We need someone to really dig into our stuff, eyeballs glued to the screen and giving pointers. These are Office Hours. We jump on zoom once a month together as a group, and really dive deep. No question is silly or a waste of time.

  • First Dibs on Masterclasses/Live Trainings during SSM!

    I looooooove showing up for my audience with Masterclasses. These are live trainings (and yes, you do receive access to the recordings & resources after for LIFETIME access). Your spot in SSM guarantees your spot in any of my future masterclasses/live trainings.

  • EASY MODE: FB Group Growth Course

    Start & grow your FB Group right from your couch. Filled with YOUR people & more fun than you can imagine 🤩

  • Your Podcast Your Story Course

    Take your podcast from idea to launch! Live podcast coaching checkpoints scheduled on your time. I create your trailer, so you don’t have to. (Breathe that sigh of relief.) Weekly Q&As to help you get unstuck. Templates. Masterclasses. You’re getting everything I know about launching your podcast.

  • Invite to Level Up

    My student & client only FB Group to build connections, share wins & goals, and bounce ideas around. Think of this as an extended party to working with me where you can pick my brain.

I may have started in podcasting, but we are SOOOOO much more than that.

Let's create your biz framework, get your raving fans, and have fun along the way!